
'SmoothScore' is an online music notation software, developed to write small melodies and compositions.

This project is under development and consequently contains several errors.


Kal (Calibrates clef and notes, if necessary)

Add 4n-E4 (Adds the quarter note E4, Range = B3 - B5)

Add 4n-S (Adds quarternote rest)

Delete [N-2] (Deletes the second note, could be any note)

Clear (Removes all notes from the staff)


B - (Changes clef to bassclef) 

kyG = Changes key from C/Am to G 
kyD = Changes key from C/Am to D 
kyA = Changes key from C/Am to A
kyE = Changes key from C/Am to E 
kyB = Changes key from C/Am to B
kFS = Changes key from C/Am to F#
kCS = Changes key from C/Am to C#,

kyF = Changes key from C/Am to F
kBF = Changes key from C/Am to B-flat
kEF = Changes key from C/Am to E-flat
kAF = Changes key from C/Am to A-flat
kDF = Changes key from C/Am to D-flat
kGF = Changes key from C/Am to G-flat
kCF = Changes key from C/Am to C-flat